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Sr. Boys Soccer hosted by Credo - Oct. 17/18, 2024

Sr. Girls Soccer hosted by LANGLEY - April 22 & 23, 2025

I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.”


Philipians 3:14


British Columbia Christian Secondary Schools Athletic Association is a non-profit Christian organization made up of many different secondary schools from the province of British Columbia. Presently there are 30 schools that are a part of the association. Each school registers in September for any of the following sports tournaments: Soccer, Cross- Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Track & Field, and Ball Hockey.

Jack Boersma

Junior Athlete Award

Two or three Jack Boersma Junior Athlete Awards will be given to students who best combine the qualifications set out in our guidelines. The winners of this award will be eligible to receive up to $250.00 toward a sports camp of their choice.

Luke Van Harmelen Memorial Scholarship

Two or three Luke Van Harmelen Memorial Scholarships valued at $1000.00 each will be awarded to students who best combine the qualifications set out in our guidelines.


There is an executive committee that is made up of individual’s from the member schools. This committee organizes and runs 2 general meetings per year. A representative from each member school is encouraged to attend these meetings. If your school is interested in becoming a part of our association, please fill out the BCCSSAA Application for Membership or contact the current President or Sec/Tres.

The two main objectives of this association are:

(a) To encourage and emphasize athletics as an integral part of the total education process.

(b) To formulate and maintain policies which will cultivate a sense of Christian participation.

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